Your Town Aidentity

Your Town Alabama

Your Town Alabama hosts an annual workshop that provides community leaders with critical tools for organizing, recruiting, and strategically developing community and economic development projects while retaining the things that make a small or rural town special.

Alabama Towns

Learn about successful people and projects that resulted from the workshop experience.

912 Citizens, Elected Officials, and Decision Makers; 133 Towns and Communities; 62 Alabama Counties

Community Service Since 1998

Hundreds of people have been through the workshop in our 25+ year history.


Designing Our Future

We host an annual workshop that provides community leaders and elected officials with a new set of tools based on asset-based planning and design. It helps you solve problems and provide leadership by developing projects based on what is good about your community.

Our Partners

Alabama Chapter of the American Planning Association
Auburn University Outreach Government & Economic Development Institute
Cawaco RC&D Council
Place Associates
Stick Architecture